Saturday, December 31, 2011


Greetings, friends and family!  It seemed like a good idea to have a blog, to discus/share things outside the facebook page.  Feel free to chime in, anytime.

Picked the "Workin' on it" title, since that is what and who I am; workin' on being a better person, through being a better Christian.  As it says in my profile, seems as if a step forward and many steps backwards is what happens, yet "keepin' on keepin' " on, with hope in our Savior, is my motto, and seeking forgiveness is my goal.

It is a beautiful sunny day here in St. Louis, too warm for a winter's day, in my opinion, as I love the snow, and like nothing better than looking out at it falling from heaven, every so softly,  covering the brown earth, making it pure and white.  It has such a comforting, soothing and renewing quality .  It just came to me that  God's love and forgiveness, and His grace that falls upon us, does the same, giving  strength to carry on, knowing he never gives us more than we can handle.  We gives us what we need, and we need what he gives us.

Nature has been a "Savior" to me since I was little. Living in the country as we did, and having two older brothers that were, shall we say, always looking for ways to make me miserable, or so it seemed, I would go into the woods, that surrounded our little farm.  What treasures there seemed to be!  A little stream with beautiful, yellow water lilies, and anthill, with a whole community hidden within, a deer stand, that served as a platoform for another view of the woods and farm, a hayloft, that was a refuge, to just be there, smelling the clean hay, the pond in the field, with all the wildlife it held, the frogs that entertained us all night, and then the stars: oh, how bright they were, since there were not street lights, so when it was dark, it was DARK.  Sometimes my brothers would take me to Bear Mountain, as mom would not let me go alone, and we would bring a lunch. Not sure what we did when we got there, other than just looking around, which is what I remember, but is was covered in Sumac, which in the fall turned bright red, and we could see the magical fall colors for miles around.  It was wonderful!

In the next blots we will visit the Lester River, go strawberry picking, talk about why I dislike horses, but love riding bikes, building snow forts in the snow banks on the side of the road, being pulled on a tobagan, in a way that would be frowned on today, being run over by a tractor, and other musings of a 64 year old nature loving lady.  As time goes on, stories of camping, rowing boats, canoe trips to the boundry waters, and whatever else is happening at the time.

Right now I am wishing we had more family here to enjoy our beautifully deocrated house, during thies blessed Christmas Season.  If I figure out how to share pictures here, and get Gitta to help me upload them, I will share our home, inside and out, with you.  Tim made eggnog, for the third time, first being for Thanksgiving, and it looks like we are going to be toasting in the new year alone, but we are never REALLY alone, are we : )

Christ's peace to you all!



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